
(Zeno) Zheng Huang
Department of Mathematics
Graduate Center and College of Staten Island, CUNY 
365 Fifth Ave., New York
Tel: 718-982-3625(CSI), 212-817-8552 (GC)   

        Current status

2018-: Professor of Mathematics at CSI, and the Graduate Center of CUNY;
Fall 2022/Spring 2016/Fall 2007: MSRI Research Fellow at MSRI, Berkeley;
2008/2012: Assistant/Associate Professor of Mathematics at CUNY-CSI/GC;
July 2004 - Aug. 2007: Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan;
Aug. 2003- May 2004: Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma.
Ph. D. 2003, Rice University: Math Genealogy page .  

 Research interests

Differential geometry, geometrtic analysis and Teichmuller theory.


Please see a separate page for conferences I am involved. Conference


    I live half way between Princeton and Rutgers, so I attend seminars at these institutions regularly:

NYU/Courant, Rutgers, and Princeton, Columbia.

Some research seminars at the graduate center of CUNY: Geometry & Topology seminar (Tuesdays), Geometric Analysis seminar (Thursdays), Complex Analyis & Dynamics seminar (Fridays).

          Complete List of Publications since 2003
Status Title Co-authors
TBA L. Lin, Z. Zhang
PDF PrePrint Modified mean curvature flow and CMC foliation conjecture in almost Fuchsian manifolds L. Lin, Z. Zhang
PDF PrePrint Uniqueness and non-uniqueness for the asymptotic Plateau problem in hyperbolic space Ben Lowe, Andrea Seppi
PDF Peking Math. J., (2023) to appear Stability of the volume preserving mean curvature flow in hyperbolic space Longzhi Lin, Zhou Zhang
PDF American Jour. Math., (2024) to appear Beyond almost Fuchsian space Ben Lowe
PDF IMRN, no. 10, 8434-8477 (2023) Donaldson functional in Teichmuller theory Marcello Lucia, Gabriella Tarantello
PDF Ann. IHP-ANL, Vol. 38 (2), 243-279 (2021) Bifurcation for minimal surface equation in hyperbolic 3-manifolds Marcello Lucia, Gabriella Tarantello
PDF, Math. Res. Lett.. Vol. 26 (5), 1393-1413 (2019) Mean curvature flows of closed hypersurfaces in warped product manifolds Zhou Zhang, Hengyu Zhou
PDF, Math. Ann., Vol. 373, 1--36 (2019) The Weil-Petersson curvature operator on the universal Teichmuller space Yunhui Wu
PDF, PLMS, Vol. 18 (3), 1305--1327 (2019) Complex length of short curves and minimal fibrations in hyperbolic 3-manifolds fibering over the circle Biao Wang
PDF Commu. Cont. Math., Vol. 22(7), (2020) Mean curvature flow in Fuchisan manifolds Longzhi Lin, Zhou Zhang
PDF,(Geometriae Dedicata), Vol. 189, No. 1, 37--57(2017) Closed minimal surfaces in cusped hyperbolic three-manifolds Biao Wang
PDF,, (J. Geo.), Vol. 106 (3), 483--501 (2015) Stability of the surface area preserving mean curvature flow in Euclidean space Longzhi Lin
PDF, (Trans. AMS), Vol. 367, 6063--6083 (2015) Counting minimal surfaces in quasi-Fuchsian manifolds Biao Wang
PDF, (Math. Res. Lett.) Vol. 20, No. 3, 501--520 (2013) Holomorphic Cubic Differentials and Minimal Lagrangian Surfaces in CH^2 John Loftin ,
Marcello Lucia
PDF (Trans. AMS), Vol. 365, 4679--4698 (2013) On almost Fuchsian manifolds Biao Wang
Geometriae Dedicata, Vol. 158, 397--411, (2012)
Minimal immersions of closed surfaces in hyperbolic three-manifolds Marcello Lucia
IUMJ, Vol. 60, no.5, (2011) 1673--1692
Curvatures on the Teichmuller curve Ren Guo,
Subhojoy Gupta
PDF, Asian J. Math.,
Vol. 14, No.2, 243-256 (2010)
Quasi-Fuchsian 3-manifolds and metrics on Teichmuller space Ren Guo,
Biao Wang
PDF, (Proc. AMS), (2007)
No. 135, 3309-3316
The Weil-Petersson geometry on the thick part of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces
PDF, (Asian J. Math.), 2007
Vol. 11, No.3, 459-484
Erratum (Vol 16, No. 3, AJM 2012)
On Asymptotic Weil-Petersson geometry of Teichmuller space of Riemann surfaces.

Note: Correct statement of Theorem 1.1 is given in the Erratum.
PDF, (Geometriae Dedicata), 2005
Vol. 110, No. 1, 81-102
Asymptotic flatness of the Weil-Petersson metric on Teichmuller space
Thesis, Rice University, 2003 Harmonic maps and the geometry of Teichmuller space

Selected Invited Talks

Yale, UC Santa Cruz, Luxembourg

Sanya International Forum, Wesleyan, Caltech, Boston College, Chicago.

Sanya Int. Forums, UC Santa Cruz, Rutgers-Newark, Conference on minimal surfaces and hyperbolic geometry in IMPA, Rice, Workshop on Surfaces and 3-manifolds (Pisa, Italy).

Nanjing International Conference on Geometric Analysis at Nanjing Univ., USTC, Workshop on Geometric Flows and PDEs at Rutgers, Workshop on Minimal surfaces and 3-manifolds at MIT, Johns Hopkins, Zhejiang Univ., Oregon , Oregon State Univ. , UC-Irvine , Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium at Rice.

Maryland , Rutgers-Newark , Yale , Spring Lecture Series at Arkansas , Michigan , Rutgers, NSF Conference on Family of Riemann Surfaces in New Britain, Ohio State Univ., Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium at Rutgers-Newark.

Arizona, MSRI, CUNY-Staten Island, Central Connecticut State Univ.,Illinois, Connecticut, Oklahoma, Lehigh Geometry Conference at Lehigh Univ., Fields Hyperbolic Geometry Workshop at Fields Institute, Toronto, Univ. of Toledo, Michigan State, Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium in Ann Arbor, Princeton, Oregon.

Johns Hopkins, Wesleyan Conference on Hyperbolic geometry and Geometric Analysis, Michigan, Joint AMS/Mexicana Meeting in Houston, AMS Joint meetings in Phoenix, Conference on Teichmuller geometry at Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, Oklahoma State, Univ. of Oklahoma, Rice, AMS Sectional Meeting, Portland, OR.        


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Zeno Huang .

Last modified 10/27/24