My topics of research are the study of nonlinear problems that arise in
mathematical physics, differential geometry and in some models of chemotaxis, with emphasis
on the question of existence
and uniqueness of solutions. These questions are closely
related to optimal exponential
Sobolev inequalities, and in many cases they present a lack of compactness that require new tools in Morse theory to detect the existence of critical points.
Recent Publications
Harnack inequalities and quantization properties for the
n-Liouville equation,
ArXiv: 2111.11781 (with P. Esposito).
Donaldson Functional in Teichmüller Theory,
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2022, to appear (with G. Tarantello and
Nondegeneracy of solutions for a class of cooperative systems on Rn,
Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 20 (2021),
- 4177–4193 (with G. Sweers).
Bifurcation for minimal surface equation in hyperbolic 3-manifolds,
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 38
(2021), 243–279 (with G. Tarantello and Z. Huang).
Some results related to Schiffer’s Problem,
J. Anal. Math. 142 (2020), 667-696 (with B. Kawohl).
Mountain pass solutions for nonsmooth elliptic problems,
Minimax Theory Appl. 5 (2020), 129-150 (with F. Schuricht).
List of Publications (PDF file)
Selected Seminars and Conferences
Summer School in Cagliari, Graduate lectures series on:
Sanya International Forum, ``Frontiers of Geometry and analysis of Teichmüller space”, 01/2020
Princeton University Nonlinear analysis seminar, 12/2019
Plenary talk in ``Variational Problems arising from Physics and Geometry"
Rauischholzhausen Castle, Germany, 07/2018
Plenary talk in Conference in Honor of Prof. Abbas Bahri, Tunisia, 05/2015
Full List of talks given (PDF file)
Graduate Students
Samuel Magill, current Phd student
Edger Sterjo, CUNY Graduate Center, Ph.D. 2018
Infinitely many solutions to asymmetric, polyharmonic Dirichlet problems
Publication related to the thesis:
- E. Sterjo,
Multiplicity of solutions for polyharmonic Dirichlet problems
with exponential nonlinearities and broken symmetry, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 50 (2017), 27–63.
Graduate MA Students
- Mikhail Shklyar, M.A. 2016
- Brian Sulkow, M.A. 2012