(Zeno) Zheng
Department of Mathematics
Graduate Center and College of Staten Island, CUNY
365 Fifth Ave., New York
718-982-3625(CSI), 212-817-8552 (GC)
Upcoming Conferences
Past Conferences
Simons Undergraduate Lecture Series:
8. Apr. 18, 2024: Public Lecture by
Henry Segerman of Oklahoma State University.
7. Feb. 27, 2024: Public Lecture by
Gilbert Strang of MIT.
6. March 28, 2019: Public Lecture by
Fabienne Serriere.
5. March 9, 2017: Public Lecture by
Moon Duchin of
Tufts University.
4. Sept. 17, 2015: Public Lecture by
Steve Butler of
Iowa State University.
3. May 8, 2014: Public Lecture by
Evelyn Lamb of
University of Utah.
2. Nov. 6, 2012: Public Lecture by
Carla Cederbaum of
Duke University.
1. Feb. 22, 2012: First Lecture by
Frank Morgan of
Williams College. Logistics info can be found
ITS-CUNY Symposia Series at GC:
ITS (The Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences) and
CIAMCS (The Center for Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics and
Computational Sciences) are sponsors of the symposium series we are organizing, on various topics at the
Graduate Center (link to individual symposium page):
19. April 22-23, 2020, Recent Advances in Nonlinear and Geometric Analysis
and title & abstract
18. October 31st, 2019, Recent Advances in Nonlinear Analysis
and title & abstract
17. April 3-4, 2019, Nonlinear Problems in Geometry
16. April 25-27, 2018, Nonlinear Days in New York
15. Oct. 19, 2017, Symposium on Nonlinear Problems in Geometry
Organizers: Zeno Huang and Marcello Lucia.
Speakers: Bo Guan (Ohio State), Davi Maximo (Penn), Joel Spruck (Hopkins), Xin Zhou (Santa Barbara)
14. May 12, 2015, Recent Advances in Conformal
Geometry. Organizers: Zeno Huang and Marcello Lucia.
Speakers: Sagun Chanillo (Rutgers), Fengbo Hang (NYU), Jie Qing (Santa Cruz), Paul Yang (Princeton)
13. May 1, 2014, Hyperbolic Conservation Laws.
Organizers: Marcello Lucia and Allen Tesdall.
Speakers: Alberto Bressan (Penn State), Geng Chen (Georgia Tech), Sebastian Noelle (RWTH), Ronghua Pan (Georgia Tech)
12. May 2, 2013, Fluid Dynamics. Organizers: Andrew Poje, Tobias Schaefer and Jesenko Vukadinovic.
Speakers: Peter Constantin (Princeton), Isabelle Gallagher (Paris), Pierre Germain (NYU), Maria Schonbek
(UC Santa Cruz), Edriss Titi (Weizmann), Alexis Vaggeur (Texas)
11. Apr. 25, 2013, Current Research in Numerical Analysis. Organizers: John Loustau and Marcello Lucia.
Speakers: Yves Bourgault (Ottawa), David Dritschel (St. Andrews), Tim Kelly (NC State), Jie Shen (Purdue).
10. Mar. 14, 2013, Analytic Aspects of Chern-Simons Theory. Organizers: Zeno Huang and Marcello Lucia.
Speakers: Zheng-Chao Han (Rutgers), Jyotsna Prajapat (Abu Dhabi), Dan Spirn (Minnesota), Gabriella Tarantello (Rome).
9. Feb. 28, 2013, Perspectives of the Ricci Flow. Organizers: Zeno Huang,
Bianca Santoro and Christina Sormani.
Speakers: Dave Glickenstein (Arizona), Dan Knopf (Texas), Jian Song (Rutgers), Ioana Suvaina (Vandelbilt).
8. Dec. 6, 2012, Recent Understanding in Harmonic Maps. Organizers:
Luis Fernandez, Zeno Huang and Marcello Lucia.
Speakers: John Bolton (Durham), Fanghua Lin (Courant), Tristan Riviere (ETH), John C. Wood (Leeds).
7. Nov. 8, 2012, Topics on General Relativity. Organizers: Zeno Huang, Marcello Lucia and
Dan Lee.
Speakers: Carla Cederbaum (Duke), Gerhardt Huisken (Max-Planck), Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh (Rutgers), Mu-Tao Wang (Columbia).
6. Apr. 26, 2012, Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Applications. Organizers: Marcello Lucia and Allen Tesdall.
Speakers: Alberto Bressan (Penn State), Kris Jenssen (Penn State), Barbara Lee Keyfitz (Ohio State), Philippe LeFloch (Paris VI), Yuxi Zheng (Yeshiva).
5. Mar. 22, 2012, Aggregation Models in Biology. Organizers: Zeno Huang and Marcello Lucia.
Speakers: Jose Antonio Carrilo (Barcelona), Peter Constantin (Princeton), Yuan Lou (Ohio State), Juan J. L. Velazquez (Bonn).
4. Feb. 23, 2012, Recent Developments in Minimal Surface. Organizers: Zeno Huang and Marcello Lucia.
Speakers: Bill Meeks (UMass), Bill Minicozzi (Johns Hopkins), Jean-Marc Schlenker (Toulouse), Mike Wolf (Rice).
3. Oct. 27, 2011, Recent Advances in 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. Organizers: Marcello Lucia and Jesenko Vukadinovic.
Speakers: Tom Hou (CalTech), Gabriel Koch (Sussex), Nader Masmoudi (Courant), Alexis Vasseur (Texas).
2. Sept. 22, 2011, Recent Trends in Nonlinear PDEs. Organizers: Zeno Huang and Marcello Lucia.
Speakers: Xavier Cabre (Barcelona), Rupert Frank (Princeton), Changfeng Gui (Connecticut), Fang-Hua Lin (Courant).
1. March 21, 2011, Vortex Dynamics. Organizers:
Marcello Lucia,
Drew Poje.
Speakers: Michael Kiessling (Rutgers), David Dritschel (St. Andrews), Jeffrey Wiess (Colorado).
Other Conferences Organized:
10. September 2017, with John Loftin and Brice Loustau, Analytical Aspects in Teichmuller Theory, Rutgers-Newark, NJ.
9. November 14-15, 2015, with Marcello Lucia, Special Session on Aspects of Minimal
Surfaces, AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting, New Brunswick, NJ.
8. March 27-29, 2015, with Marcello Lucia, Jian Song,
Bo Yang,
The 2nd RU-CUNY Symposium on Geometric Analysis.
The conference website is HERE
7. January 15-16, 2014, with Longzhi Lin, Marcello Lucia, Special Session on
Topics on Geometric and Complex Analysis,
Joint Meetings of the AMS, Baltimre, MD.
6. December 13-15, 2013, with Marcello Lucia, Jian Song,
Xiaowei Wang ,
RU-CUNY Symposium on Geometric Analysis.
5. January 10-11, 2013, with Ren Guo, Marcello Lucia, Special Session on
Geometric and Analytic Methods in Teichmueller Theory and Hyperbolic Geometry, Joint Meetings of the AMS, San Diego, CA.
4. Hunter-GC Joint Mathematics Day:
abstracts, May 1, 2012.
With Marcello Lucia and John Loustau.
3. March 17-18, 2012, with Marcello Lucia, Special Session on Topics in Geometric Analysis
and Complex Analysis, AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting, Washington DC.
2. May 22-23, 2010, with Ren Guo, Special Session on
Hyperbolic geometry and Teichmuller Theory,
AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting, Newark, NJ
1. April 2007, with Dick Canary,
Lizhen Ji,
Ralf Spatzier,
NSF-RTG Conference on Teichmuller Geometry,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
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