Curriculum Vitae
Advection of Tracers

A very common example for mixing is to stir cream in a cup of coffee. We expect that, after a couple of motions, both fluids, cream and coffee, will have mixed homogeneously and we would be surprised to observe something different. In 1994, Pierrehumbert considered a very similar mixing problem: He put tracers into a fluid that was stirred periodically expecting that the tracers will mix homogeneously. But something different happened: The tracer concentration started to form complex patterns that, once their formation is completed, decay slowly.  The figure below shows examples of these patterns, often called strange eigenmodes, whose occurrence has been confirmed many times both experimentally and numerically.  Their description is crucial for understanding any mixing process in fluids, from small scales, e.g.  drugs that are mixing with blood being pumped periodically through the body, to large
scales, e.g. contaminants in geophysical flows such as the ocean. Although the existence of strange eigenmodes can be shown mathematically (see Liu-Haller, 2004), their actual structure and their properties are not well-understood. The aim of this research project is to provide a theory that will be able to describe both their formation and evolution in time. This research is a collaboration with Andrew Poje and Bala Sundaram.

Read more:

T.Schäfer, A. C. Poje, J. Vukadinovic: Averaged dynamics of time-periodic advection diffusion equations in the limit of small diffusivity. Physica D 238 (2009) 233-240.

R. T. Pierrehumbert: Tracer microstructure in the large-eddy dominated regime, Solitons Fract, 4:1091--1110, 1994.