- Contact:
- poje(at)math.csi.cuny.edu
- 718 982-3611

Andrew Poje
Dr. Poje has published a number of papers on Lagrangian mixing and transport theory as applied to oceanographic flows. His interests include traditional and Lagrangian turbulence theory, low order modeling, dynamical systems and numerical analysis. His most recent research activity concerns the application of geometric techniques to quantifying non-conservative transport phenomena and designing optimal Lagrangian observational strategies.
Some current research projects:
- Dynamical Systems Theory in 3D + 1 Ocean Flows
- Advection-diffusion dynamics in chaotic flows
- Optimal sampling strategies
What's this?
The satellite image from NASA's SeaWifs platform shows ocean color off the New Zealand coast
in October 2010. The full image and many more like it are avaliable
My primary research interests involve understanding mixing and transport processes in fluid flows.
I'm especially curious about the geometry of transport within and between identifiable meso-scale
flow features in the ocean ... like the vortex
dipole clearly seen in the satellite image.