Lecture 2: Data Abstraction and Representation

Today’s Visualization

Today’s visualization is not chosen for skillful or appropriate results, but for the somewhat duplicitous use of scales to communicate something other than the data.

Task: Describe, as completely as you can, the design of this graph. Pay attention to whether distinctions are drawn between parts of the data.

Question: Why did I call this duplicitous? What do you think the editorial intent was?

Catching up: Gun Deaths in Florida

Question: Was the intended metaphor successful? In “Gun deaths in Florida”? In “Iraq’s bloody toll”? What could have been done differently to make the message more efficiently conveyed?

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

What differences and similarities do you see between the different “Out of the box” plots here?

What would you like to change?

What would you like to check / verify?

Would you like more (or less) binning and aggregation?

What, if any, interactive features would you like?

What, if any, labels, titles, annotations would you like to use?

What would an interesting use case for this plot be?

If you were to pull properties and features freely from all platforms (or add yourself) – how could you specify the most appropriate plot for this use case?

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

Garima Goyal

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

Mahfal Naleemul Rahuman

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

Larry Ryan

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

Larry Ryan

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

Sean Sudol

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

Ryan Mc Neil

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

GiBeom Park

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

Joshua Rollins

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

Giacomo Radaelli

Catching up: Your First Aesthetic Critique

Jordan Matuszewski

Data Abstraction - how do we represent data?

Types of Data

Munzner defines 5 fundamental data types:

  1. Items
  2. Attributes
  3. Links
  4. Positions
  5. Grids


An item is a discrete individual entity - such as a row in a tidy table, or a node in a network.


Also called variables or data dimensions or dimensions (thought Munzner reserves dimension for the visual channels of spatial position - ie X/Y/Z-positioning)


Categorical Data

Categorical (or nominal) data does not intrinsically support arithmetic operations or a total ordering - we can tell the difference between identities but not much more.

Examples include names (of brands, people, places, …), movie genres, file types.


Ordered Data

Data that has an implicit (total) ordering we call Ordered Data.

It subdivides into ordinal and quantitative data, depending on whether or not arithmetic operations are meaningful.

Examples include shirt size (ordinal), rankings (ordinal), height (quantitative), weight (quantitative), etc.


Ordered - Quantitative Data

Quantitative data itself has several possibly relevant further subdivisions. We can distinguish between integers (\(\mathbb{N}\)) or reals (\(\mathbb{R}\)).

We can distinguish between interval data and ratio data - for interval data, the difference between values is meaningful; for ratio data, the ratio between values is meaningful. Interval data may not have a meaningful 0-value, while ratio data does.


Ordered - Sequential / Diverging

Sequential data goes from a minimum value to a maximum value. It does not have to have a meaningful basepoint or 0-value.

Examples: height or weight of a person, course grades, taxation brackets.

Diverging ordinal data instead emerges from one neutral center in two (or, rarely, more) directions of progressively more extreme values.

Examples: temperature (above/below freezing), altitude (above/below sea level), 2-party election forecast (favor one or the other).


Ordered - Cyclic

Cyclic “ordinal” data would not necessarily qualify as ordered in a mathematical sense - but features that arrange in a recurrent way impact visualization choices.

An attribute is cyclic if its values wrap around to a starting point after a while.

Examples: time of day, day of week, day of year, year of century; but also compass directions, phase of periodic dynamics.


Position data corresponds to locations in spatial data - primarily as 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional points.


Grid data in Munzner’s usage is for spatial data, primarily as sampling strategies for continuously varying attributes - encoding both geometric and topological properties of the sampling domain.

Examples: square grid, triangular grid, hexagonal grid, adaptive grid, Voronoi cells.

Types of Datasets

Munzner identifies 4 basic types of datasets, each specified by some collection of the preceding data types:

Tables Networks & Trees Fields Geometry
Items Items (nodes) Grids Items
Attributes Links Positions Positions
(both for items and links)

Types of Datasets

Munzner identifies 4 basic types of datasets, each specified by some collection of the preceding data types:


This is the typical spread sheet data. Of particular interest is the notion of tidy data (Hadley Wickham):

  1. Each variable must have its own column.
  2. Each observation must have its own row.
  3. Each value must have its own cell.

Tabular data also includes multidimensional tables (data hypercubes; tensors) that have composite keys.

Fields and Sampling Grids

The field dataset type concerns data that varies continuously and not discretely over some (geometric) domain.

We may distinguish between scalar fields that assign one attribute value to each point, and vector fields or even tensor fields that assign a vector (or matrix, or tensor) of values to each point.

Examples: Temperature, altitude, water depth, wind direction, local coordinate frames, stress tensors.

Core requirement for interacting with field data is to have access to a determined sampling grid that discretizes the field information.

A type of field data over a 1-dimensional domain is time-varying data. Not all data that contains time attributes are time-varying, but data that requires time attributes to completely specify query keys are what we mean by time-varying.

An Overview of the Grammar of Graphics

Six layers of a specification

Wilkinson breaks up the full specification of a statistical graphic into 6 separate specification steps (and Hadley Wickham breaks it up further by introducing the notion of layers)

  1. Data: a set of operations that create variables from datasets.
  2. Trans: variable transformations (eg rank).
  3. Scale: scale transformations (eg log).
  4. Coord: coordinate system (eg polar).
  5. Element: graphical marks (points? lines?) and their aesthetic attributes (eg color)
  6. Guide: guidance annotation components (axes, legends, etc)

Specifying a graphic

Wilkinson gives as an example the following specification and graphic:

Specifying a graphic

I found a data portal from the UN.

In R - calling the API and reorganizing the data:


callAPI = function(query) {
  base_url = "https://population.un.org/dataportalapi/api/v1"
  target = paste0(base_url, query)
  response = fromJSON(target)

  if(class(response)=="list") { # server is paginating
    df = response$data
    while(!is.null(response$nextPage)) {
      response = fromJSON(response$nextPage)
      df = rbind(df, response$data)
  } else {
    df = fromJSON(target, flatten=TRUE)

country_list = callAPI("/locations/")
indicator_list = callAPI("/indicators/")


# Look up country numeric codes
country_codes = (country_list %>% filter(iso2 %in% countries))$id
indicator_codes = (indicator_list %>% filter(shortName %in% indicators))$id
target_query = paste0(
  "/data/indicators/", paste(indicator_codes, collapse=","),
  "/locations/", paste(country_codes, collapse=","),

df = callAPI(target_query)

plot_data = df %>% select(location, indicator, timeLabel, value) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from=indicator, values_from=value) %>%
  select(country=location, year=timeLabel, CBR=`Crude birth rate`, CDR=`Crude death rate`)
# A tibble: 6 × 4
  country                          year    CBR   CDR
  <chr>                            <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Algeria                          1990   30.8  5.73
2 Argentina                        1990   22.0  7.74
3 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1990   35.8 11.9 
4 Brazil                           1990   24.8  7.16
5 Canada                           1990   15.5  6.95
6 Chile                            1990   22.2  5.62

Specifying a graphic

In R/ggplot2:

ggplot(plot_data, aes(CBR, CDR)) +
  geom_density2d(aes(color=..level..)) +
  geom_text(aes(label=country), size=2) +
  geom_abline() +
  annotate(geom="text", x=20, y=22, angle=50, size=3, label="Zero population growth") +
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,60)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,30)) +
  scale_color_distiller(palette="Spectral", guide="none") +
  xlab("Birth Rate") + ylab("Death Rate")

Specifying a graphic

ELEMENT: point(position(birth*death), size(0), label(country))
ELEMENT: contour(position(
GUIDE: form.line(position((0,0),(30,30)), label("Zero Population Growth"))
GUIDE: axis(dim(1), label("Birth Rate))
GUIDE: axis(dim(2), label("Death Rate))

ggplot(plot_data, aes(CBR, CDR)) +
  geom_density2d(aes(color=..level..)) +
  geom_text(aes(label=country), size=2) +
  geom_abline() +
  annotate(geom="text", x=20, y=22, angle=50, size=3, label="Zero population growth") +
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,60)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,30)) +
  scale_color_distiller(palette="Spectral", guide="none") +
  xlab("Birth Rate") + ylab("Death Rate")

Specifying a graphic

I found a data portal from the UN.

In Python - calling the API and compiling a query URL:

import pandas, json, requests

def makeURL(query):
  base_url = "https://population.un.org/dataportalapi/api/v1"
  target = f"{base_url}{query}"
  return target

def callAPI(query):
  target = makeURL(query)
  response = requests.get(target)
  j = response.json()
  df = pandas.json_normalize(j["data"])
  while j["nextPage"] != None:
    target = j["nextPage"]
    response = requests.get(target)
    j = response.json()
    df = pandas.concat([df, pandas.json_normalize(j["data"])])
  return df

location_list = callAPI("/locations/")
indicator_list = callAPI("/indicators/")


country_ids = ",".join(map(str, location_list.query("iso2 in @countries")["id"].to_list()))
indicator_ids = ",".join(map(str, indicator_list.query("shortName in @indicators")["id"]))

target_query = f"/data/indicators/{indicator_ids}/locations/{country_ids}/start/1990/end/1990"
data = callAPI(target_query)[["location","indicator","value"]].pivot(columns="indicator", values="value", index="location").reset_index()
indicator                          location  Crude birth rate  Crude death rate
0                                   Algeria            30.762             5.731
1                                 Argentina            21.989             7.743
2          Bolivia (Plurinational State of)            35.840            11.925
3                                    Brazil            24.844             7.158
4                                    Canada            15.458             6.954
5                                     Chile            22.190             5.625
6                                Costa Rica            26.734             3.758
7                                   Ecuador            29.969             5.678
8                                  Ethiopia            50.052            20.055
9                                    France            13.338             9.334
10                                   Gambia            45.733            16.102
11                                  Germany            11.297            11.625
12                                   Guinea            46.318            19.494
13                                    Haiti            38.263            14.029
14                                  Hungary            12.091            14.033
15                                     Iraq            39.409            10.565
16                                    Italy            10.009             9.568
17                                  Jamaica            25.322             6.861
18                                    Libya            29.479             4.663
19                                 Malaysia            27.894             4.656
20                                     Mali            46.651            19.272
21                                 Pakistan            43.147            10.731
22                                  Somalia            49.008            18.009
23                                    Spain            10.303             8.513
24                                   Sweden            14.381            11.137
25                                  Türkiye            25.874             6.841
26                                    Yemen            50.636            11.198

Specifying a graphic

In Python / altair:

import altair

  x="Crude birth rate:Q",
  y="Crude death rate:Q",
  text="location:N") + altair.Chart(
  pandas.DataFrame({"x": [0,30],"y":[0,30]})
  x="x:Q", y="y:Q"
) + altair.Chart(
  pandas.DataFrame({"x": [23], "y": [25],
  "text": "Zero Population Growth"})
).mark_text(angle=305, fontSize=12).encode(
  x="x:Q", y="y:Q", text="text:N"

Note that contour density plots are still a pending feature for Vega-Lite, and therefore still a pending feature for Altair. We could probably reproduce Wilkinson’s plot completely, but would have to compute the contour curves ourselves at considerable effort.

Specifying a graphic

ELEMENT: point(position(birth*death), size(0), label(country))
ELEMENT: contour(position(
GUIDE: form.line(position((0,0),(30,30)), label("Zero Population Growth"))
GUIDE: axis(dim(1), label("Birth Rate))
GUIDE: axis(dim(2), label("Death Rate))

  x="Crude birth rate:Q",
  y="Crude death rate:Q",
  text="location:N") + altair.Chart(
  pandas.DataFrame({"x": [0,30],"y":[0,30]})
  x="x:Q", y="y:Q"
) + altair.Chart(
  pandas.DataFrame({"x": [23], "y": [25],
  "text": "Zero Population Growth"})
).mark_text(angle=305, fontSize=12).encode(
  x="x:Q", y="y:Q", text="text:N"