Lecture 13: Lying with graphs

How to lie with charts

Design a compelling visualization

Read https://handsondataviz.org/how-to-lie-with-charts.html (10 minutes)

Form 3 groups.

Group 1
Argue that global warming is not actually happening.
Group 2
Argue that global warming is primarily due to the industrialization and corporate irresponsibility of the USA and Western economies. (bonus points if you can work colonialism into the argument)
Group 3
Argue that global warming is primarily due to the industrialization and irresponsibility of Asian Tiger economies

In each group, work together to design a visualization that argues your point. You may find it useful to use some of these resources:

You don’t have to produce the visualization in class, but you should come up with a sufficiently specified design that you all have a good notion of what it might end up looking like.