Lecture 10: Interactivity

Today’s Visualization

Is over at The Pudding

In general, The Pudding is a source of very many very inspiring pieces of narrative visualization. Explore!

Why Interaction?

Incorporating interactivity and reactivity into visualization…
…expands the physical limits of what can be consumed in a given space.
…broadens the variety of analyses to serve different curiosities within a project.
…facilitates manipulations of data to accommodate varied interrogations.
…amplifies the overall control and potential customisation of an experience.
…increases the range of techniques for engaging users with dynamic displays.

(Andy Kirk, Handbook of Data Visualization)

Types of Interaction

Yi, Kang, Stasko, Jacko, Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization, InfoVis 2007 establish 7 categories of interactions in visualization:

  1. Select: mark something as interesting
  2. Explore: show me something else
  3. Reconfigure: show me a different arrangement
  4. Encode: show me a different representation
  5. Abstract/Elaborate: show me more or less detail
  6. Filter: show me something conditionally
  7. Connect: show me related items

Munzner discusses:

  1. Change View over Time - orthogonal to Yi et al
  2. Select Elements - ie Select
  3. Changing Viewpoint - ie Reconfigure
  4. Reducing Attributes - ie Abstract or Filter

Types of Interaction

Wilkinson discusses (Chapter 17):

  • UI Methods for constructing graph specifications
  • Exploration
    1. Filtering
    • by category
    • by range
    1. Navigating
    • zooming
    • panning
    • lensing
  1. Manipulating - Node dragging - Categorical reordering
  2. Brushing and Linking - ie selecting in one view and seeing effects in multiple views
  3. Animating
  4. Rotating
  5. Transforming

Specifying Interactions

Modern day GUI tool-kits almost universally work with an event-driven paradigm. The software system runs an infinite loop that manages reactions and keeps a roster of functions that are responsible for reacting to possible user events.

We distinguish between event (the user action), control (the feature to which the action is applied) and function (the operation that is performed).

Common types of GUI events
Mouse Keyboard Touchscreen Window I/O Timer
move key press finger tap resize start time elapsed
drag key release drag minimize done
click pinch maximize error
double click rotate restore
button press close
button release


Example Events and Controls
Select a button or a link
Select an item from a menu list
Select multiple items from a check-box or menu list
Alter the state of a toggle or radio button
Alter the position of a handle along a scale slider
Alter the position of two handles along a scale slider (range selector)
Enter a value into an input box
Select a mark within a chart
Select a mark within a legend
Example Functions
Apply a categorical data filter (one or several combinations)
Apply a quantitative data filter (one value or a range)
Reset all values to their original state


data = require("vega-datasets");
arquero = require("arquero");
d3 = require("d3");

movies = arquero.loadJSON(data["movies.json"].url);
genres = movies
  .select("Major Genre")
  .orderby("Major Genre");

genreScale = Plot.scale({
  color: {
    type: "categorical",
    scheme: "tableau10",
    domain: genres.column("Major Genre").data

function colorText() {
  return x => htl.html`<span style="
    color: ${genreScale.apply(x)};
    font-size: 10pt;
viewof filter_genre = Inputs.table(
  genres, {
    format: {
      "Major Genre": colorText()
    rows: 100,

filtered = movies.semijoin(arquero.from(filter_genre), "Major Genre");
moviesPlot = Plot.plot({
  color: genreScale,
  marks: [
    Plot.dot(filtered,  { 
      x: "Rotten Tomatoes Rating",
      y: "IMDB Rating",
      fill: "Major Genre"


Example Events and Controls
Select a button or a link
Select an item from a menu list
Select multiple items from a check-box or menu list
Alter the state of a toggle or radio button
Alter the position of a handle along a scale slider
Alter the position of two handles along a scale slider (range selector)
Enter a value into an input box
Select a mark within a chart
Mouseover a mark from within a chart
Select a range of marks from within a chart (brushing)
Select a mark within a legend
Example Functions
Highlight selection
Highlight values based on selection
Highlight associations between selected values
Rearrange the order of the data
Form calculations based on selection


viewof highlight_genre = Inputs.table(
  genres, {
    format: {
      "Major Genre": colorText()
    rows: 100,
    required: false,
    value: []
  color: genreScale,
  r: {
    transform: m => highlight_genre.some(g => g["Major Genre"] == m),
    range: [3,5]
  marks: [
    Plot.dot(filtered,  { 
      x: "Rotten Tomatoes Rating",
      y: "IMDB Rating",
      fill: "Major Genre",
      r: "Major Genre"

Factors Influencing Design

Technical skills
Development time
Capabilities of platforms
Expected user devices
Interactivity, especially combined with gradual revealing of features, may serve to combine for instance an explanatory design with an exploratory interface
ie, first show what you want to say, then let the user continue to tweak and explore the visualization
Data Representation
Access to filters, highlights, zooming, panning empowers a user to better understand a complex visualization.

Factors Influencing Design

Trustworthy Design
Interactivity expands the number of ways in which a user can lose trust in your design.
Does your design do what it promises? Can the user trust the functions that it performs?
Will the data grow or change, and is the visualization code robust to expected changes?
Elegant Design
Just because you can design with interactivity does not necessarily mean that you should.
Strike a balance between overwhelming a user or restricting a user.
Consider how you communicate the affordances of your design.

Factors Influencing Design

Accessible Design
Enabling interactivity also expands the scope of potential access problems.
Example: Tableau - visualizations are interactive by default, with good default choices - but for a smooth experience, users need to go through the Tableau platform itself.
Example: Animation - useability depends a lot on what you want to show, what tasks you want to enable. Sensitive to speed (rapid sequences mean the user might miss changes; slow sequences mean the user might get bored and lose attention)
Can you do the same thing statically? (small multiples is a commonly used option)

Python / Matplotlib

Default interaction set: pan, zoom, toggle guide displays, undo stack.

For functionality in Jupyter Notebooks / JupyterLab, make sure the ipympl package is installed and include the cell-magic %matplotlib widget to select and enable the corresponding backend.

For more than this, users need to place widgets (available in ipywidgets) and bind them to handlers with the interact

Python / Altair

Vega, Vega-Lite and Altair have an extensive abstraction for interactivity (…which changed with the shift to Altair v. 5, that is currently a release candidate)

  1. Good defaults (zoom, pan) come with merely calling .interactive() on the Chart object.
  2. Fundamental building block is the parameter, which comes in two versions: variables or selections.
  3. Variables are created with altair.param() and bind to either input contols or selection methods.
  4. Selections implement click-to-select, mutating selections, brushing through selection_point and selection_interval.
  5. Influence the Chart by using altair.condition([condition], [if true], [if false]) to create values that change depending on the interaction.

Python / Altair

Using the Tooltip encoding, an input slider for highlighting, and .interactive()

import altair
from vega_datasets import data

movies = data.movies()

gross_slider = altair.binding_range(min=0,max=1e3,name="Minimal US gross")
gross_var = altair.param(value=50, bind=gross_slider)
gross_condition = altair.condition(altair.datum.US_Gross > gross_var*1e6, altair.Color("Major_Genre:N"), altair.value("lightgray"))

  tooltip=["Title:N", "Director", "US_Gross", "Worldwide_Gross", "Release_Date", "Running_Time_min"],

Python / Altair

With clickable genre legend and brushing that controls a linked gross earnings histogram.

genres = movies[["Major_Genre"]].drop_duplicates()

legend_selection = altair.selection_point(fields=["Major_Genre"], name="legend_sel")
rating_selection = altair.selection_interval(name="rating_sel")
gross_selection = altair.selection_interval(name="gross_sel")

legend_color = altair.condition(legend_selection,
  altair.Color("Major_Genre:N", legend=None),

color = altair.condition(legend_selection & rating_selection & gross_selection,
  altair.Color("Major_Genre:N", legend=None),

scatter = altair.Chart(movies, name="scatter").transform_filter(legend_selection).mark_point().encode(

legend = altair.Chart(genres, name="legend").mark_text(align="left").encode(
  y = altair.Y("Major_Genre:N", axis=None),
  text = "Major_Genre:N",
  color = legend_color
  title="Major Genre"

histogram = altair.Chart(movies, name="histogram").transform_filter(legend_selection).transform_filter(
  legend_selection & rating_selection
  altair.X("US_Gross:Q", bin=altair.Bin(steps=[1e3,5e3,10e3,50e3,100e3,500e3,1e6,5e6,10e6])),

altair.vconcat(altair.hconcat(scatter, legend, name="scatter_legend"),
               histogram, name="full_chart")

R / ggplot2

The ggplotly package lets you convert a ggplot2 chart to a plotly chart that can be embedded in webpages and interactive. Comes with decent default interactions, but getting anything except these interactions is difficult.

The ggiraph package lets you switch to interactive geoms, and interactive aesthetics.

R / ggplot2

movies_url = py_eval("data.movies.url")
movies = read_file(movies_url) %>% fromJSON(simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)


movies_graph = ggplot(movies) +
  geom_point_interactive(aes(Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating, IMDB_Rating, color=Major_Genre,
                             tooltip=Title, data_id=str_remove_all(Title, "'"))) +

girafe(ggobj=movies_graph, canvas_id="ggiraph_id", options=list(
  opts_selection_key(type="multiple", only_shiny=FALSE),
  opts_selection_inv(css="stroke: lightgray;")

Javascript / Observable.js / D3.js

Here is where interactivity can really shine - Javascript is a frontend language, dedicated to representing interactions.

Interactivity in Observable.js primarily rests on Inputs - any widgets you might want, as well as clickable or searchable tables. Unfortunately, brushing is still a work in progress (as of Spring 2023), so direct interactivity in Observable.js is limited to what we can do with these input widgets.

In pure D3.js the situation is better, in that D3.js makes it easy to write and assign event handlers. The price is that we’ll need to write more of the graph code ourselves.

Javascript / Observable.js / D3.js

epsilon = 50

xScale = d3.scaleLinear([0,100], [0,width]);
yScale = d3.scaleLinear([0,10], [height,0]);
genreScaled3 = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeTableau10)

legend = d3.select("#d3svg")
  .attr("id", "legend")
  .text("Genres: ");
    .style("color", m => genreScaled3(m["Major Genre"]))
    .text(m => `${m["Major Genre"]} `);
stats = d3.select("#d3svg")
  .attr("id", "stats");

svg = d3.select("#d3svg").append('svg')
  .attr("width", width+epsilon)
  .attr("height", height+epsilon);

container = svg.append("g")
  .attr("class", "container")
  .attr("id", "pointscontainer")
  .attr("transform", `translate(${epsilon/2}, ${epsilon/2})`);

points = container.selectAll("circle.point")
    .attr("class", "point")
    .attr("cx", m => xScale(m["Rotten Tomatoes Rating"]))
    .attr("cy", m => yScale(m["IMDB Rating"]))
    .attr("r", 3)
    .style("fill", m => genreScaled3(m["Major Genre"]))
    .style("opacity", 0.8);

xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale);
xAxisPlacement = container.append("g")

yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale);
yAxisPlacement = container.append("g")

brush = d3.brush()
  .on("start", brushStart)
  .on("brush", brushing);

brushStart = function({selection}) {
  let sameX = (selection[0][0] == selection[1][0]);
  let sameY = (selection[0][1] == selection[1][1]);
  if(sameX && sameY) {
    // reset everything
    let points = d3.select("#pointscontainer")
    points.style("fill", m => genreScaled3(m["Major Genre"]))
    let stats = d3.select("#stats")

brushing = function({selection}) {
  let points = d3.select("#pointscontainer")
  let stats = d3.select("#stats");

  if(selection == null) {
    points.style("fill", m => genreScaled3(m["Major Genre"]));
  } else {
    let sx = [selection[0][0]-epsilon/2,selection[1][0]-epsilon/2];
    let sy = [selection[0][1]-epsilon/2,selection[1][1]-epsilon/2];
    points.style("fill", m => {
      let inRangeX = xScale(m["Rotten Tomatoes Rating"]) >= sx[0] && 
                     xScale(m["Rotten Tomatoes Rating"]) < sx[1];
      let inRangeY = yScale(m["IMDB Rating"]) >= sy[0] && 
                     yScale(m["IMDB Rating"]) < sy[1];
      if(inRangeX && inRangeY) {
        return genreScaled3(m["Major Genre"]);
      } else {
        return "lightgray";
    let moviestats = movies.filter(arquero.escape(m => 
      (xScale(m["Rotten Tomatoes Rating"]) >= sx[0]) && 
      (xScale(m["Rotten Tomatoes Rating"]) < sx[1]) && 
      (yScale(m["IMDB Rating"]) >= sy[0]) &&
      (yScale(m["IMDB Rating"]) < sy[1])))
                  .rollup({max: arquero.op.max("US Gross"), 
                           mean: arquero.op.mean("US Gross"),
                           median: arquero.op.median("US Gross")})
    Max US Gross: ${(moviestats.get("max",0)*1e-6).toFixed(3)} M$, 
    Median US Gross: ${(moviestats.get("median",0)*1e-6).toFixed(3)} M$, 
    Mean US Gross: ${(moviestats.get("mean",0)*1e-6).toFixed(3)} M$`)
