About e-Pupils

About e-Pupils software

The e-Pupils software was developed at the College of Staten Island to allow our students and professor to communicate their computer labs for Calculus courses on line.

The software as it is now is what would be described as courseware. And is similar, but certainly not as full featured, as the BlackBoard software CourseInfo that is used at CUNY for the CUNY online program.

The e-Pupils software has one main advantage -- it is free! As well, it is better at presenting long 'projects' where students are asked for feedback. This is especially true if the projects are in mathematics as then the markup can be done with LaTeX which is the standard for this. The conversion is done with the speedy tth or TeX to HTML. This clever program creates HTML code for complex math markup.

The e-Pupils project will become an opensource project on sourceforge. One day!

The e-Pupils software has been aided greatly by the students at the college of Staten Island. Those who have helped develop are Mike Caruso, James Messrie, Mudi Apoe, Jack Philips and Gonzales Cervantes. Many others have helped with the debugging (some reluctantly!).

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